Friday, December 19, 2008

On The Road Again and Again and Again

Just moved to Oklahoma, a couple of weeks ago, and now we are going back to Georgia for the holidays! The 12+ hr drive is a doozy and not something that anyone looks forward to. But it must be done because it is cheaper than all of us flying...

I will be away from my main computer and perhaps busy - but if possible I will be on my youngster's laptop and update what I am doing.

Here is a quick tip for anyone who is going to school online: make sure you keep up with what your financial aid department is doing with your may be surprised.

And one last note, I am trying to learn how to do Trading, don't laugh, I really am interested in all the ways there are to make a little dough...

Talk to you, later...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ode to a Reviewer, lol

Someone reviewed my website today and in retaliation (after I reviewed theirs and gave them what I thought to be constructive criticism-which is the whole point of the review site) said that I needed to get a life and stay away from the computer. They thought my last post was too negative and while it was not the most positive of my posts, this IS a blog where I can put my thoughts and feelings to words. I am not here to sugar coat anything for anyone. I write like I am talking to my best friend so if you get offended by my personal thoughts than it is your prerogative not to read...

Anywhoooooo, it is the holiday season and a time when many people overspend. I will not be going overboard this year - my kids will get one main gift from me and some small trinkets. Why overextend for one day in the year? I want them to start to understand that the holidays are mainly a way to spend time with their loved ones and get away from the hubbub of every day life. I did not put up fairy lights or candles or a tree this year. Going to Georgia to visit family and if the kids want to decorate a tree then they can do that there.

Now, time for a quick commercial:
I am still making good money from "10 Dollars Wonder" so if you are interested in a program that is ongoing steady, feel free to take a look at the link under my list of programs...

The ice is starting to melt and my youngest has been out of school for 3 days now due to terrible road conditions. I will be glad when the weather gets back to normal, though it has given me the time to do some administrative work on my programs.

Hope you have a good one and thanks for reading!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Means to an End or Making Ends Meet...

I am posting today with mixed spirits, I am down a bit because the year is ending and I am not yet close to my goals. That being said I do have hope for the new year coming. I have learned quite a bit this year, some things that are good and other things that are just a disappointing slap in the face.

First, the bad: People that I have met in my life this past year (and some that I have unfortunately known for years) continue to disappoint me. They wear a face that says they are human with emotions and heart, but deep down they are as bleak or evil as the Grinch from Dr. Seuss's book. I won't go into details but, lets just say that I have learned a valuable lesson about people. And that is, that everyone has their own agenda, human kindness notwithstanding. I am kind of down this holiday season, because I am unable to see the good in people, I have lost the last of my childlike innocence and it is indeed a shame...

The Good: I have my goals clearly defined for 2009 and that is to acquire as much knowledge and wealth as possible. Focus on these areas will make my life and the life of my family a lot better. I do a lot of reading and my life is taking a new direction. One thing that I would like to make a note of is the fact that we Internet marketers are in a good position to make money and a lot of us do not even realize it. There are so many opportunities to partake in and it has me quite excited! I am currently working to help spread the word about Team OrangeMoon. If you haven't heard the buzz about this group, then you are either new or asleep! Our group shut down two servers last Saturday, due to all the new members trying to sign up. You can join the team for free and pick and choose which program you want to get involved with:

Anyway, writing once again has helped me to feel better... until next time, Ciao!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Revamping For The New Year!

I am changing my approach to what programs I involve myself in. My new rule is to not take on anything that has a monthly fee. Right now, I am only paying a monthly fee for my Lotto club membership and for my hosting (for another program). Because of the way the economy has been going, the new trend seems to be programs that only cost a low one time fee; if you can get the referrals you can easily be in profit. So I am now trying to learn ways to get others to see the benefits of these types of programs because a little bit of help goes a long way, especially if you are involved with multiple programs...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Moved to Oklahoma

My kids and I have finally joined my husband in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We are still in the process of getting the house together, which is going slowly due to the fact that I have caught my first cold of the Fall season. As I am feeling really under the weather, I have been going to bed earlier than usual. I will tally my daily earnings from my passive online endeavors in my next post. Just a note, though, I have surpassed my $20.00 goal...

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!!!!

Today is the day we make a difference at the polls (if you haven't already)! I, of course, always wait until the last minute to do anything that makes me have to drive in Atlanta traffic (sigh)... But I will gladly put my two cents in to try and make a difference as an American citizen. But know this, change will not come from just voting, change has always been in the hands of the ordinary joe or joette. It is up to us to touch someone else's life and make this world a better place to live in. My challenge to you in the new year is to make an active effort to help someone achieve their best. Reach out and mentor a child or teen. Read to an elderly person. Fight racism, sexism, and any other kind of 'ism that keeps our world from prospering in the way that it should. After all, change really begins with me and you...

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Passive Income Update!

Here is an update on how much I am making in passive income on a daily basis. Remember, when I say passive income, I mean income that I do not have to really do anything over 15 minutes of preparational work. Drumroll please!!!! My daily total at this time is $13.08 per day. That is $392.40 a month, in other words, a car payment!

Next goal is $20.00 per day in passive income, I am only $6.92 away...

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Reading For Success

Ever since childhood, I have been an avid reader. I was an only child so I would spend my summer days lost in adventures of the written word. Not all of my reading material was based in fantasy, I was also interested in biographies of people who had lived accomplished lives. I learned a lot from reading and I still read everything I can get my hands on now.

These days most of my reading material are on subjects that will benefit my personal growth whether it is spiritual or financial. I want to learn everything and some days it feels as if I am on information overload. What do I read? Right now, I am reading "Angela's Ashes" by Frank McCourt for fun, "Empower" magazine for personal/financial growth and a textbook (that I won't bother to mention) for school. All my reading materials enrich me in some way and if I can't read for some reason then I listen to success lectures on CDs. The point is, I am always obtaining knowledge of some sort...

What are YOU reading?

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

To Gently Persuade

If you are trying to sell products, virtually or otherwise, you are in the business of persuasion. What is persuasion? It is the act of getting someone else to do something that is a bit out of their usual comfort zone. Of course, this is usually the case when you are trying to get someone else to part with their hard earned cash. You have to make them see that the whole point of their existence would be lacking if they are without your product. You have to create or show the actual benefit of your product.

People usually respond to one of three basic modes of persuasion:

· Emotional - This goes back to the idea of making your customer feel as if their world will end if they do not purchase your product or service, right now, today!
· Logical – This is when you appeal to your customer’s sense of what is valuable to them. They are actually able to see how this product will benefit their lives.
· Credibility – This is the one that makes even the bravest newbie cringe, the need to be a credible voice about the product. Never fear this can be accomplished by gaining actual knowledge of the product and even better, being a satisfied customer yourself.

The art of persuasion is as old as begging your mother for just one more cookie, you can and will be able to do this! I actually use the products from Berry Tree and Nutronix, so I can relate how I feel about them in a positive way. I have found that appealing to the customer on a human to human basis works best for me. Everyone is a potential customer who either wants to use your products or wants to make extra money; they just don’t know it yet.

See you later...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Is Your Mind On Your Money?

Do you know how much you make a day? Do you know how much you need to make in a day to live successfully? I know that an extra $50 dollars a day is an extra $1500 a month, what could you do with that? For me that is a house note and car payment. I want you to think about the reality of setting you daily money goals, what will it take to get you where you want to be?

How much time would you be willing to put into finding ways to make an extra $50 a day? I am currently learning how to get passive income to work for me and I am in a company called The Berry Tree, which I love because I actually use the products! This is my assignment for you: find out how much you make a day and how much you want to make a day. Then list the steps you need to take in order to make a $1 a day, then $2 a day- start small because that is how you make your goal a reality.

Talk to you, later!

Monday, October 13, 2008

School, What Does It Have To Do With Daily Payday?

What does the topic of school have to do with "My Daily Payday"? Well, finishing my education could equal a future hike in pay and possibly a savings as I will be able to do my own web design and programming. The result being that I will not have to bother with hiring anyone to do those tasks for me.

I am working on earning a degree in Information Technology, in part, because most of my work has to do with being on the computer. And I need to learn how to utilize every aspect of the Internet if I am to master the ways of Internet marketing.

But getting back to the subject, school equals money received from financial aid (which, in my case, is mostly loans as school is not a free ride for me) and it represents the raise in income that comes with having a higher education.

If I had done things the right way, I would be up to my elbows in scholarships right now. But, I am told it is never too late to apply for scholarships and if I can get my life to slow down a bit I might be able to actually fill out an application or two. A while back, I signed up with "Fast Web", which is a site that pulls together all the scholarships one might be eligible to receive. They often send email alerts for scholarship application deadlines, but I am so busy that I usually ignore them. Which is, of course, not the brightest thing to do because I am potentially passing up good money!

That's it for now, have to do some actual "work" for my work at home income streams... Ciao!

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Finding a great Mentor should be a priority for every new network marketer or home business owner. Your mentor may be an upline member who doesn't mind sharing tips and helping you develop your business. Or, it could be someone you meet in a business forum, networking group or meeting who will take you under his or her wings to show you the ropes.

Right now my mentor (who I doubt knows that she is) is a lady who I will call "Blondie" for now. She has a blog that she diligently writes on a daily basis about the business endeavors that I have an interest in. Her blogs are always an easy read and get right to the point. She also has a way of being very personable and writes as if she is the lady next door. You can take a look at her blog by going here: I think you will learn a lot from her and she knows people who "know" people.

Another good mentor that I know (not personally) that I like to listen to when I need a good uplift to get me going in the right direction is Dani Johnson, she has been successful in network marketing for years and has "been there and done that". She is probably one of the most outstanding female inspirational speakers that I have come across. You can find out more about her here:

Thats it for now, I will be back later...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Making Dough!

To say that this is a one of a kind blog would be stretching it a bit. I am sure there are better blogs on this subject, but this is about how I get paid daily (or not). I tend to like to see things in the perspective of how much money I will make for the day, and believe me when I say that some days my online endeavors provide me with zero dollars. This is an attempt to focus my attentions more on what I need to do and perhaps I will be able to help someone else find their way as I am finding mine.

I am not a writer, but I am determined to tell my daily story on what I am doing to get paid... so keep that in mind as I tell you how I am planning my path to becoming well-off if not just plain wealthy. So welcome if you join me in my journey!