Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ode to a Reviewer, lol

Someone reviewed my website today and in retaliation (after I reviewed theirs and gave them what I thought to be constructive criticism-which is the whole point of the review site) said that I needed to get a life and stay away from the computer. They thought my last post was too negative and while it was not the most positive of my posts, this IS a blog where I can put my thoughts and feelings to words. I am not here to sugar coat anything for anyone. I write like I am talking to my best friend so if you get offended by my personal thoughts than it is your prerogative not to read...

Anywhoooooo, it is the holiday season and a time when many people overspend. I will not be going overboard this year - my kids will get one main gift from me and some small trinkets. Why overextend for one day in the year? I want them to start to understand that the holidays are mainly a way to spend time with their loved ones and get away from the hubbub of every day life. I did not put up fairy lights or candles or a tree this year. Going to Georgia to visit family and if the kids want to decorate a tree then they can do that there.

Now, time for a quick commercial:
I am still making good money from "10 Dollars Wonder" so if you are interested in a program that is ongoing steady, feel free to take a look at the link under my list of programs...

The ice is starting to melt and my youngest has been out of school for 3 days now due to terrible road conditions. I will be glad when the weather gets back to normal, though it has given me the time to do some administrative work on my programs.

Hope you have a good one and thanks for reading!


rexharris said...

Can't please everyone. Some people can't take constructive criticism. As long as it's constructive I don't have a problem with it and will even leave it if it provokes thought or makes a valid point. You can alway learn something from someone it seems.

Have a Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

I suggested to someone that they covered their long, ugly url up with a FREE program I am in. This would also stop their affiliate links being stolen.
They accused me of being a linkstealer and said that they had been scammed by someone from the UK before and that I was obviously another one.
You cant please some people.

Happy Christmas


You may want to give them some of these free cards: As the saying goes, if a person throws you a stone, you throw them bread in return.

Stay blessed!

Zenchukovskiy said...

Terrible road conditions sometimes make so much problems! I even had to work at home for some time! it's great at least that there are writing-services and you can stay at home with no problems.

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