Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day!!!!!

Today is the day we make a difference at the polls (if you haven't already)! I, of course, always wait until the last minute to do anything that makes me have to drive in Atlanta traffic (sigh)... But I will gladly put my two cents in to try and make a difference as an American citizen. But know this, change will not come from just voting, change has always been in the hands of the ordinary joe or joette. It is up to us to touch someone else's life and make this world a better place to live in. My challenge to you in the new year is to make an active effort to help someone achieve their best. Reach out and mentor a child or teen. Read to an elderly person. Fight racism, sexism, and any other kind of 'ism that keeps our world from prospering in the way that it should. After all, change really begins with me and you...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes!! that's right, I support your idea to fight with racism and other freaky stuff. it's good

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